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Merry Brandybuck

I got into Lord of the Rings fairly late, for someone whose uncle is a Tolkien superfan, and who bought me the books when I was eight.

I love the books and all interpretations of Tolkien (though The Hobbit holds a special place in my heart) and this project was supposed to be a two man job- myself as Merry and a friend as Pippin.


All the components of the costume are home sourced:

1) The jacket- made by my mum in the '80s

2) The trousers- my mum's

3) The shirt- my cousins (alright, so not all from my good old mum)

4) The waistcoat- a great uncles, passed down to (you guessed it) my mum

5) The cloak, made by my mum from a Hogwarts cloak pattern

6) The feet were made by me, from a euro's worth of Cypriot sandals, and some fur. 


I loved this con- it was my first proper cosplay, and although I absolutely sweltered and had a minor anxiety attack, I had an amazing time. 


People asked for my photo which was a first. I'm not lying when I say, I felt really proud of my mum and myself. I took part in a Tolkien photoshoot too, with two other Hobbits, a Legolas, a Tauriel, an Orc and the Eye of Sauron.


I hope the rest of my cosplay journey is as fun and fulfilling as this.


Thus ends Stop 2, on my journey around the Fandom in Eighty Cosplays.

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